Our Community-Run Marine Park
Upcoming Events
News & Noteworthy

The 2024-2025 Board of Directors for the Ross
Ferry Stewardship Society have been elected!
September 11, 2024
Lars Willum - Chair
Ross MacDonald - Vice Chair
Peter Kenyon - Vice Chair
Andrew Walker - Secretary
Jennifer Daisley - Treasurer
Nancy Cronin - Volunteer Coordinator
Joella Foulds - Member at Large
Glenda MacAskill - Member at Large

A Message From The Chair
Thank you to all 750 visitors for celebrating Labour Day with us!
September 4, 2024
What an incredible way to close off a beautiful season at the Ross Ferry Marine Park. Thank you to all those that attended!
A special thanks goes to Destination Cape Breton for supporting this event, the board and all the volunteers that made this possible. And we can't forget the entertainment! Thanks to The Turnbull Brothers for a great show. What a way to showcase all the talent right here at home.
Thanks for a great season and see you next year!

A Message From The Chair
Thank you to all 600 visitors for celebrating Canada Day with us!
July 13, 2024
Wow! What a successful Canada Day Celebration at the Ross Ferry Marine Park. Thank you to all those that attended!
A special thanks goes to Heritage Canada for supporting this event, the board and all the volunteers that made this possible.
Music, fries, hot dogs, flea market, Ross Ferry Farmers Market - what a great way to start the season! We'll be doing this again on Sunday September 1st to close off another great season. See you there.
The community park is now open for the summer. Be sure to join us each Sunday from noon to 4pm for fries and hotdogs.
Enjoy it now and forever! Happy Canada Day and thanks for visiting.

Ross Ferry Seniors Supper
Annual Senior’s Appreciation Turkey Supper at Ross Ferry Fire Hall
February 18, 2024
We would like to thank all the volunteers from both Ross Ferry Fire Hall and Ross Ferry Stewardship Society for another wonderful Seniors Supper. Our community really enjoys this special treat every year around Valentine’s Day.

Ross Ferry Seniors Supper
Thanks to the Victoria Country Community Health Board for their donation to this event!
February 18, 2024
Big thanks to the Victoria County Community Health Board for their donation to the Ross Ferry Seniors Supper. With this donation we were able to offer our attendees a beautiful breadbasket of fruits and veggies to take home. All fruits and veggies are local from Eyking Family Farms, Pan Cape Breton Food Hub Co-op and United Farmers Co-op.
![Donation from Knox Church[53]_edited_edi](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/fffc46_5cd349f7c1d943789e07f25536367a99~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_0,y_0,w_1188,h_665/fill/w_402,h_225,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Donation%20from%20Knox%20Church%5B53%5D_edited_edi.jpg)
St. James-Knox Amalgamation
Big thanks from the Ross Ferry Stewardship Society!
November 30, 2023
We would like to thank the congregation of St. James Knox Church for their generous donation to the Ross Ferry Stewardship Society. The Ross Ferry Marine Park couldn’t be the beautiful spot it is today without the support of our community - it’s amazing what can be accomplished when we all support eachother!

A Message From The Chair
Thank you to all 650 visitors and volunteers for celebrating Labour Day with us!
September 3, 2023
What a successful celebration and always happy to see so many people enjoying our community park.
There were great tunes to be heard by Eddie Cummings, lots of shopping happening at the Ross Ferry Farm Gate Pop-Up Market and a beautiful day to have fries and hot dogs out in the sun.
Hope to see you next year on Canada Day and Labour Day. Enjoy the rest of your Summer.
Don't forget, we need your support to maintain this beautiful park. Consider purchasing an annual membership or make a donation.
Lars Willum

The 2023-2024 Board of Directors for the Ross
Ferry Stewardship Society have been elected!
October 24, 2023
Lars Willum - Chair
Ross MacDonald - Vice Chair
Peter Kenyon - Vice Chair
Andrew Walker - Secretary
Jennifer Daisley - Treasurer
Nancy Cronin - Volunteer Coordinator
Joella Foulds - Member at Large
Darryl Walker - Member at Large
Glenda MacAskill - Member at Large

A Message From The Chair
Thank you to all 550 visitors for celebrating Canada Day with us!
July 4, 2023
Thank you to the Municipality of Victoria, both Provincial and Federal Government and local sponsors for your ongoing and generous support.
With the beautification program grant from last year, we were fortunate to create and renovate the garden beds, designed by our local designer Douglas Brown along with many volunteers. We hope you enjoyed it!
Our volunteers and members are the reason and the back-bone of why Ross Ferry Marine Park is one of a kind community park.
Enjoy is now and forever! Happy Canada Day and thanks for visiting.

Renew Your Membership Today!
Other than Federal Government Funding for our Summer Student, all our operating funds come from memberships, donations, and grants.
October 28, 2022
Donations and Memberships can be paid by:
By cheque: please make cheque payable to: Ross Ferry Stewardship Society.
By mail: Ross Ferry Stewardship Society
9685 Kempt Head Road,
Ross Ferry B1X 1N9
By e-transfer: rfsscb@gmail.com
Or direct to any Board Member.

The 2022-2023 Board of Directors for the Ross
Ferry Stewardship Society have been elected!
October 28, 2022
Lars Willum - Chair
Ross MacDonald - Vice Chair
Peter Kenyon - Vice Chair
Andrew Walker - Secretary
Debbie MacLean - Treasurer
Nancy Cronin - Volunteer Coordinator
Joella Foulds - Ross Ferry Farm Gate Market

A Message From The Chair
Lars Willum, Ross Ferry Stewardship Society.
September 4, 2022
I want to express my gratitude to all the visitors coming by and celebrate the Ross Ferry Marine and Provincial Park today. I also want to thank you our guest-speakers: The Honourable Keith Bain, our councilor of Victoria Municipality (district 5) Fraser Patterson, a former Chair of Ross Ferry Stewardship Society, John Hugh Edwards and Mark Eyking for making this day such a special day. Our Community Park has grown thanks to all the volunteers through the years and we so much appreciate that you have helped us to create an oasis and a destination place to be and enjoy nature and of course our Fries, Hot Dogs and Sausages. So that said the park will be closing up after a wonderful season, but is still yours to enjoy all year around. Fall and Winter and Spring. The outdoors gym and the trail are there for you. But no Fries. See you next year and Thank you again for visiting us

The Ross Ferry Stewardship Society will receive $11,152 to beautify and enhance their community-run marine park.
June 16, 2022
A project is set to bring more beauty and vibrancy to Victoria County thanks to an investment by the Houston Government, Victoria-The Lakes MLA Keith Bain said today.
"Investments like this have a lasting positive impact," said MLA Bain. “Beautification serves to make our communities even more enjoyable both for residents and visitors.”
This local investment is one of 29 projects across the province benefitting from a $557,000 investment through the Beautification and Streetscaping Program, an initiative that provides funding to help municipalities create beautiful spaces within their communities.